P&C (Parents & Citizens Assoc.)

Welcome to the Tuart Forest Primary School Parents and Citizens’ Association. The P&C is made up of school parents and involved citizens for the purpose of providing support to our school community. The key to any of our initiatives, whether it is fund raising for a project, providing feedback to the Principal or organising an event that brings parents, students and teachers together, is involvement.

P&C Executive and Committees

The P&C Executive and Committee Members are elected at the Annual General Meeting. The P&C are always welcoming of new members. If you have any queries, would like to put your name on our Volunteer Register, or want to find out more about joining the P&C, please do not hesitate to contact us at tuartforestpandc@gmail.com


The P&C meet twice per term in the school staffroom and encourage all parents to attend and become involved in our outstanding school.

P&C Help

Tuart Forest has an active P&C who contribute to ensuring our children have a great school. The P&C are always looking for new members.

Why is the P&C so important?

The P&C is responsible for a range of fundraising activities across the year. These include: Mothers Day and Fathers Day stalls, School Banking and student lunch days.

How Can You Help?

You do not need any special skills, talents or experience to join the P&C or be a committee member.

Elections for committee members are held at the Annual General Meeting in early Term 1. We encourage parents to nominate for committee positions that become available at this time. If you are interested in being part of our dynamic P&C, please contact the P&C President or the Principal.

If you are able to come along to a few meetings each year and perhaps lend a hand occasionally with setting up events, selling raffle tickets, collecting items from the classroom, then we welcome you with open arms.

The P&C is a friendly bunch of parents who believe that many hands make light work and that a cup of coffee and laughter can make our work a whole lot of fun.

If you would like to come along or find out more, please contact the P&C at tuartforestpandc@gmail.com

Alternatively, fill in this form and submit it to the P&C by email, or bring it into the school: