Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Tuart Forest Primary School is committed to teaching and learning excellence. The school believes this can only be achieved by developing meaningful partnerships to ensure our future direction is reflective of the changing needs of the local and global community. We are a learning community that practises inclusivity, innovation, collaboration and flexibility, while inspiring and nurturing lifelong learning for students and teachers.

We strive for excellence by ensuring that our practices are based on current and informed research. We hold ourselves accountable for the outcomes we achieve. Using reliable data, we rigorously reflect and assess our processes and achievements. We celebrate our successes and make informed and confident determinations about our future direction. The school has developed an explicit curriculum for each year level.

Tuart Forest Primary School’s Moral Purpose is: ‘Building Strong Foundations for Every Student, Every Day.

This mantra is the driver behind all of the school’s self-improvement processes.

The school’s vision for teaching and learning is supported by Four Principles. These principles guide all of the school’s actions and include:

  1. Teacher directed learning
  2. Explicit instruction
  3. Moving children’s knowledge from short term to long term memory
  4. Positive teacher student relationships

In addition, Tuart Forest Primary School has established Seven beliefs. These are:

  • Quality – what we do we do well
  • Passion – committed in heart and mind
  • Leadership – the courage to shape a better future
  • Accountability – if it to be it up to me
  • Collaboration – together is better
  • Integrity – be real
  • Diversity – everyone is welcome


The staff work towards developing and establishing school cultures that have an emphasis on:

  • Clear teacher and student commitment to expectations of high academic performance
  • Emphasis on student uniform
  • A focus on grounds and facilities
  • Staff dress and professionalism
  • Relationships and respect
  • Working as a team