As an Independent Public School (IPS) Tuart Forest has greater control over its governance and by using a one-line budget can employ staff which it feels best suits the current and emerging needs of students. Tuart Forest Primary School has always attracted a high calibre of staff. Tuart Forest Primary School manages the recruitment and appointment of teachers and support staff, ensuring that students have the best people to deliver in their education.
All staff are committed to ensuring that Tuart Forest Primary is a school of excellence, focussing on the development of improved service delivery, culture, belief, curriculum and student outcomes.
High Expectations – We believe all children should achieve minimum benchmarks (set by the school) and teachers are accountable for student performance.
Purposeful Teaching – This includes:
- Setting minimum benchmarks for content delivery and student knowledge
- Fast paced learning to manage the core curriculum
- Explicit instruction
- Revision and reinforcement
- Teaching that is skills based
- A focus on phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, punctuation, sentence construction, grammar and mathematics
Accountability and Data – Sharing and using data to analyse school and student performance is paramount to driving improvement. What is distinctive in our school, is the systematic way in which the data is widely shared and discussed by the staff, and that we look to additional sources of evidence, such a normed referenced assessments, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of student performance and individual student needs.
Stimulating and Secure Learning Environment – Ensuring an orderly learning environment throughout our school is a fundamental precondition for improving teaching and learning and, subsequently, leading to higher student outcomes.